As the blog posts this morning, Glynn and I are both writing on different sections of the story. Once we're done, we'll switch pages and discuss, then, at some point, we'll be editing the new stuff, then we’ll have to send the new version to still another reader…and I don’t know about you, but I feel tired already. Things never go quickly, do they? Just when I thought we were out, this particular beta reader pulled us back in.
It was good thing she did, I realize that, and it was a brave thing she did, since some authors are unreasonably touchy about their work. (I’ve heard horror stories.) I’m grateful. Still, I was hoping to see this story come out before July faded away. Now I worry that the deadline might not be reached in time. And I’m so eager to start The Third Brother!
We’ve already started plotting the sequel, you see, and things are falling into place so nicely. My brain is scratching at me, itching to start the new tale. The Urban Dictionary defines “brain itch” as having part of a song stuck in your head. For me, it’s having part of a story stuck in my head. It has to come out!
If you’re wondering, the adorable young lady in the photo is one of our recent visitors. She was absolutely ready for the party we threw last week, thank you very much, even if she didn’t quite understand what everyone was celebrating. Or why. And speaking of last week….
It's been a gloriously wonderful, wearisome, eventful, tiresome, joyful series of days. Glynn and I were able to hug and kiss people we hadn’t seen in years. We traveled great distances, there was birthday party, we met a new family member, we ate sinfully, and there were just enough babies to go around. Barely.
But now we have to roll up our sleeves – well, Glynn does, I wouldn’t wear sleeves I have to roll up – and get back to work. I doubt I’ll be posting anything here next week but I have great hopes you’ll see me the week after, talking about the upcoming 4th Bro’ release. If that happens, when that happens, I’ll be ready to party.