Don’t bother. If you’ve experienced a year like mine, it will only depress you.
A year ago, the Good Witch reluctantly told me her resolutions. She wanted to lose 15 pounds, hit the gym regularly, and try to save a little money. In order to cut down on the monthly expenses, she was going to eliminate cable television from her life-- or so she said. I didn’t believe it. I don’t think she did, either.
Did she manage to snap the cable? “They can have my remote when they pry it from my cold, dead hand,” she told me recently, then we watched an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.
She saved some cash, though, by cutting her gym membership. Watching our pennies, we were supposed to alternate workouts at each of our homes, but those plans went a little sour when she scrunched her left shoulder. Less than a week later, I pulled a various collection of muscles, then snow started falling, and we decided maybe it wasn’t meant to be. We decided we’d start over in a few months.
In April, probably, when we rejoin the gym.
What about my personal resolutions for the year, you ask? If you must know – and, since you can check on this blog, I can’t feasibly make up stuff now – I declared (to you, and not to GW) that I wanted to see Live Love Rewind available as a paperback, I had my fingers crossed that Glynn and I would finish one of the sequels to One Bride for Seven Brothers, and I hoped to complete another novel.
As Meat Loaf has famously sung, two out of three ain’t bad.
LLR is available in a print version, should you care to pick one up. One Bride: The Sixth Brother is out, huzzah, and Fifth Brother is so close to finished, I’m counting it as a January release. But the last of my goals didn’t get completed, and I know exactly why. I ran out of time. There were life issues, there were medical issues, but that’s hardly an excuse. While recuperating from his own near-death experience with a van, Stephen King still found the time to write Dreamcatcher. And that baby is over 600 pages long.
Because I’m not the wordsmith from Maine, The Blackhearted Mail-Order Bride remains an unfinished twinkle in my eye. The manuscript is halfway home and halfway is nice, but not quite enough to satisfy 2015’s goals. When I grumbled about this recently, Glynn made a comment that maybe, just maybe, we ought to set the sequels aside. We could complete Blackhearted next.
Of course, the very next day, Glynn asked me if I wanted to go hunting for Nazi gold, so his focus isn’t always what it ought to be. I reminded him that the Polish army is already involved in that particular chase (here, if you hadn’t heard) and they probably wouldn’t welcome the assistance of two clueless Americans.
My honey tells me you never know if you don’t try. Trust me, in this instance, I know.
Just as I know that I won’t be making any resolutions for 2016. However, if I WERE to select some goals for the next twelve months, they would include watching Luke Cage on Netflix (sue me. I truly enjoyed Jessica Jones and Daredevil), rejoining the gym with GW, and completing a few more Brothers in the One Bride series. All of which seems very doable to me.
Of course, last year’s list appeared very doable, too. Fingers crossed. Again.