Once our plans were set, I decided to title today’s post, Nothing to see here. I planned to tell readers that we were away and please come back next week. Because images always spice up a page, I wanted to include a cute little picture with the text.
I'd write four, maybe five, lines and I'd be out. It wouldn't be my greatest blog, I realized that, but I was looking at a six hour car trip just to reach my Thanksgiving destination. There would be another six hours on the return. Glynn would want to listen to sports channels on the journey, I’d want to listen to the Broadway station so, in a terrible compromise, we’d make the long trek in radio silence. I was tired in advance.
The picture I wanted to grace this post was a turkey driving a car. If you’ll take a second to peek at this post’s upper left hand corner, you’ll discover that there's no sign of a goofy Meleagris gallopavo lounging behind the wheel of a snazzy convertible. If you're feeling generous, you might say it's close but...no. Not really.
There’s a reason for this. Let me explain.
When making my plans, I started with the assumption that somebody somewhere would have created the very image I wanted. As long as graphic was in the public domain (i.e., free), I’d use it. As it turned out, there was good news and bad news. When I went to Bing Images – Google and I have had a fight, don’t ask, I don’t want to even talk about G. right now – and typed in the words, “Turkey driving a car”, I found many fun options. People can be so creative.
That was the good news.
There were multiple depictions of cartoon turkeys driving cartoon cars, and I would have happily used almost any of them. So, still in Bing Images, I went to the little menu that is placed above the pictures. On the menu, a blogger can select Color or Type or Layout or...I forget what right now...but I knew to hit License. License has a dropdown menu of its own. When it opened, I selected: Public domain.
So, now, the bad news. All of the cartoon turkeys vanished. What remained were a few photos of cars. The top of the page featured a red Hyundai. In strange coincidence, I kid you not, we are driving our red Hyundai to Thanksgiving dinner.
I wondered if our car would be insulted by its doppelganger appearing here. Then Glynn called out, asking if I could help pack, and I made my decision.
Next week, let's discuss writers who can't be bothered to work on holidays. Those slackers. See you then.