She isn't amused, and she mentions, probably correctly, that I need to know my audience. The Good and Wise People who pass by my blog aren't doll collectors, and certainly won't be interested in a blog about doll shows. I shouldn't waste their time.
Otherwise, I might lose my website visitors forever.
But I have more faith in you, so I want to tell you about my visit to a doll show. Not just any doll show, mind you, but the only doll show I've ever seen. I wanted to title this blog, Doll Show!!!!, but GW said, it was okay if I ignored her advice but I needed to lower my geek factor by a power of ten.
This is me, behaving, by holding in my enthusiasm and using a more appropriate blog title. But still feeling pretty darned enthusiastic about seeing a doll show, anyway.
GW doesn't get the joy I find in ancient Barbie dolls and she is completely befuddled by my Monster High mania -- will Finnegan Wake ever come to a toy store near me? -- but she agreed to go with me to the doll show, anyway. Glynn had refused to go, noting that it was a two hour trip each way. He also shared that he could think of roughly a million other things he'd rather do -- including self-dentistry -- but somehow didn't include any of the chores on the list I left. So, Glynn, if you get around to reading this, the tree in the backyard isn't going to trim itself, you know.
Glynn was certain that wouldn't be any other men at the show, no matter what, which just goes to show what he knows. If you look at this picture, you can clearly see a man in the foreground, a couple in the background, and there were at least six that I saw while we were there. There were about four hundred women there, too, which indicates to me that doll collecting attracts highly intelligent collectors of both sexes.
I had the most wonderful time. I'd never seen so many dolls. I'd never met so many people who were enthused about dolls. G.W. tried to feign indifference about the event, but I saw the interest in her face. She kept tugging on my sleeve and whispering things like, "I remember that doll!" and "Oh, that's so cute!" and "Oh my God, did you see the price tag on THAT doll?"
She said the price tag thing quite a bit. It got to where she was afraid to even pick up one of the dolls.
I thought I might have converted her when she took out her cell phone and snapped a picture. But then I saw the photo and knew it was just GW being GW.
I think maybe I'm not quite right in the head.