One Bride for Seven Brothers: The Fourth Brother is our daily adventure and it’s roughly two-thirds complete. “Roughly” because we sometimes get carried away with the story, and then who knows how long it will end up? Our last two novellas ended up being thousands of words longer than we originally intended.
Fourth Brother is going very nicely. Flora has finally arrived at the logging camp and, in a day or so, she’ll have it out with the little snip from the church. I can’t wait for that scene. Our novel, The Black-hearted Mail Order Bride, is still locked at the halfway point but is far from forgotten. We were just discussing the story arc this weekend. Also, we’re plotting a hot contemporary paranormal/mystery, a sequel to one of our other books that we really, really should put on the back burner but…the heart wants what it wants.
All in all, considering the speed of our output, we’ve put a lot on our very tiny writing plate. We always do, though, and it usually works out.
Now, back to our regularly-scheduled program: If you stopped by last week, you’re aware that I was about to surrender my evening to the horror-comedy, Krampus, recently released on DVD and available for viewing at a marginal fee…if you, like me, happen to have access to one of America’s few remaining video stores. Since Glynn and I are both suckers for horror-comedies – The Final Girls, Shaun of the Dead, Tremors, Ghostbusters, Cabin in the Woods, Evil Dead 2, and many, many more – we couldn’t wait to see it. A good time was assured for all. And, by “all”, I mean, me, and Glynn, and Poison the Chihuahua.
In my opinion, the audience for horror-comedies is a limited one, which means that many people I otherwise love and adore don’t understand why we want to watch The Frighteners when a Blu-ray copy of Rowing With the Wind is readily available. These are good people, more to be pitied than censured, but I’m more of an Army of Darkness kind of gal. Me, Glynn and Poison, we’re in tune with one another. When we sit together to watch this kind of movie, b’gum, we have no doubt we’re going to have a good time.
Although it’s possible the Chihuahua is mostly in it for the popcorn.
Last week, when I arrived at the video store, I discover they’re all out of Krampus. There’s evidence of empty rental boxes, no evidence of the actual DVDs. Quickly giving up on supporting the little guy, I head for the nearest Redbox. (Unlike local video stores, they’re everywhere.) That red-boxed, low-priced tease shows the title I want and I reach for my plastic. I’m ready to swipe it when I suddenly realize – “That’s not Krampus!”
Not the Krampus I want, anyway. Apparently, Redbox’s corporate masters were unwilling to spring $16.99 (on-line retail) for the real thing, preferring to substitute Krampus: The Reckoning in its place. I don’t believe they did this because they thought K: TR was a superior movie or the people’s choice. I believe they did this to trick people.
When I returned home, I dug a little deeper…and I still believe Redbox’s corporate masters did not have good intentions when they ordered this title. I wasn’t the only one fooled. On Amazon, some people paid for this thing. K: TR carries mostly one-star reviews and most of them say things like, “Wrong Krampus movie. I was looking for the new one” and “This wasn’t the Krampus movie I expected” and “I thought this was supposed to be the one that went to the theater and I was soooo wrong! This movie sucked!”
Still on Amazon, I was surprised to discover there are still more Krampus-like Krampus movies out there. There’s Krampus: The Christmas Devil (a reviewer wrote, “Let me start by saying I rented the wrong Krampus. The acting was on par with pornos”), and the 26-minute Night of the Krampus (“Should have been titled CRAPUS” according to one fan) and A Christmas Horror Story, featuring an anthology of tales. One of those stories has Krampus horrifying a family with car trouble. The Christmas DVD was the only one of the Krampus flicks with a majority of good reviews plus – yes – William Shatner as a drunken DJ.
I’m a sucker for a woozy Captain Kirk. So, when the video store crew didn’t answer their phone, back I went. Still, no Krampus on the shelves. Alas, there was no Christmas Horror Story there, either. No tipsy Bill Shatner to ease my pain.
When I got home, Glynn and I watched an old Columbo, instead. Poison loved her popcorn.
And how was your week?