If you signed up for my newsletter, you may already know this. After all, I sent word out to those folks on Monday. Still, I italicized the word "may" because, if you're a subscriber here, my happy little newsletter may have been caught in your gmail "Promotions" filter. That's where the test copy I sent to GW was found lingering, anyway.
I'm not extremely clear on why her gmail has a "Promotions" area, and mine does not. All I know is, the newsletter didn't arrive in her inbox and that's where I wanted the words to fall. So, I have to *sigh*, because I'm fairly certain I did something wrong in a techno-way and the wizards at gmail stepped in. I rarely send out a newsletter -- only two times last year; I don't want to bother people unless there's a new story to share -- and the process remains foreign to me. I almost always forget a few steps along the way.
And, yet, over fifteen percent of the readers who stop by here regularly have taken the time to sign up for the newsletter. Because they are Good and Wise People. If you are one of them, thank you so much.
However, if you've been expecting an email/newsletter from me but it never came...caught in your Promotions thingie, or dropped into your Spam box, or who knows what....and now you're feeling a teeny bit grumpy, let me share what I sent. Most of it, anyway, except for the opening pleasantries that I am (at this moment) struggling to remember. The newsletter itself I saved, and it opened like this:
It's time for Flora to get to know her newest husband.
Flora has finally decided what to do next in regards to her (too many) husbands. In One Bride for Seven Brothers: The Fifth Brother, she finds herself being courted by the one brother who both frightens and arouses her. When she travels with him to the town of Wetherford for the first time, she sees something that not only upsets and angers her, but also puts her in grave danger.
At the novella's end, she'll share some of her own secrets and come to a life-changing decision. Honestly, there's a lot going on!
I really like the story. I hope you will, too.
The Fifth Brother is my first every sequel-to-a-sequel, and is the longest story in the Mail Order Mischief series. If you have 99-cents in your electronic pocket, or if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can find it here. Like the two stories that preceded it, Fifth Brother can be read as its own tale but you’ll probably enjoy it more if you start at the beginning and learn how everything unfolded up until now.
If you've already read One Bride for Seven Brothers, you know that none of the stories in this series are a sweet romance. They aren’t erotic romances, either. Slowly, so slowly, the series is turning into the saga of how a fairly innocent, somewhat naive, house servant from New York ended up in the wild West of 1870 and married to seven men – and what happens when she tries to correct the situation.
And then I thanked the recipient for opening the email because, honestly, what good is a newsletter if no one reads it? I really, truly had fun writing this story in the "One Bride" saga, and I hope it finds an audience.
Despite my struggles with Mailchimp, I was feeling pretty good about the mail-out until the Good Witch mentioned she couldn't find the test version I sent her first. Soon, she discovered the notice lodged in her Promotions queue between a Dillards Clearance pitch and an offer for Dell Computer. I would have felt even more sour if she hadn't talked me into going to Dillards, where she drooled over a Brahmin purse and I found a really cute pair of red boots at less than half the retail price.
What I'm trying to say is, it could have been worse. Sometimes you have to make lemonade from the lemons, you know?